Three Brooklyn artists from three generations of Loft Law protected loft living

Wendy Goodman, Curbed, 9 Apr 2024

Wendy Goodman,from Curbed and New York Magazine, highlights the stories of three artists from documentary photographer Joshua Charow's Loft Law project.


"Joshua Charow’s book, Loft Law, The Last of New York City’s Original Artist Lofts, from Damiani Books, tells the story, through pictures and interviews, of the people who live in some of the most romantically bohemian spaces in the city. Many of them have lived in their lofts for decades, even before it was legal to do so, fixing up the drafty, derelict spaces. Gentrification followed, and landlords did their best to cash in, often by getting rid of these pioneers. So a band of artists got together in 1979 and worked to found what became the Loft Law in 1982, which helped establish the Loft Board to oversee the conversion of raw spaces into rent-stabilized residential homes."

- Wendy Goodman


Loft Law: Photographs by Joshua Charow is on view May 16 - July 13, 2024.