Exhibit Showcases Iconic Photos Of Civil Rights Movement

Cheryl Wills, NY1, 21 Jan 2008

You may not recognize his face, but there’s a strong chance you may recognize his work. Photographer Bob Adelman captured some of the most iconic moments of the civil rights movement during the 1960s. He says he took many of the photos with tears in his eyes. “What we did in the press – I was in the movement and in the press – was to expose this shameful business to the country and it was unacceptable. The country didn’t want it and got rid of it,” says Adelman. 

Adelman’s work is now on display at the Westwood Gallery in Lower Manhattan. At the Westwood Gallery, curators say Adelman’s work is inspiring and educating a new generation. “He took these very important photographs that now are part of our history and part of an archive,” says Westwood Gallery co-owner Margarite Almeida. “I felt a calling,” says Adelman. “I knew I was risking my life, but I felt it was worth it."