Little-seen photographs of ordinary people caught up in civil rights movement

Regan McMahon, San Francisco Chronicle, 22 Dec 2007

Many books have chronicled the civil rights movement and the great achievements of its leaders.

What makes photojournalist and social activist Bob Adelman’s Mine Eyes Have Seen so distinctive

is his focus on the regular folks affected by the movement and those who laid their lives on the line

for it, and the fact that the artist behind the lens was no passive observer.

Adelman was a partisan, a white man who not only chronicled these people and events for national

magazines such as Life, Newsweek and Time but also passionately believed in the need for radical change so that black Americans would enjoy the same rights and privileges as other U.S. citizens. He volunteered as a photographer for the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.

Mine Eyes Have Seen photographs on view at Westwood Gallery, NYC.