Old Meets New at an Artist’s Connecticut Compound

Michael DesRosiers
Joyce Wadler, New York Times, 28 Jul 2010

Michael DesRosiers’s first love is painting: he does richly colored abstracts that resemble cells dividing. His first show, part of a three-person exhibition, “Conversations in Color,” will be at the Westwood Gallery in Manhattan in September.

Age 53 is not early for one’s first show. But Mr. DesRosiers has spent much of his creative life on this 23-acre property, where he has lived for nearly 30 years. When he bought it, there was only one house, a 1787 farmhouse that had been moved by the previous owners from New Lebanon, Conn. Now there are six houses and studios, including the greenhouse, and outdoor gardens that have 700 meticulously shaped boxwood shrubs lined up with a precision an engineer would admire.