A Thousand Words

Jahangir Ramzi’s anonymous Pulitzer Prize photo and a meeting with Hatami
Ben McGrath, The New Yorker, 28 May 2007

Sig Gissler, the administrator of the Pulitzer Prizes, keeps four prize-winning photographs on the wall above his desk. One of the photos, depicting the execution of eleven men by a firing squad in 1979–distilling the legacy of Ayatollah Khomeini–was the only anonymous recipient in Pulitzer Prize history. The photographer's name, we now know after 27 years, is Kahangir Razmi.

Wall Street Journal reporter Joshua Prager organizes a dinner party in Razmi’s honor after he was officially credited for his photograph and awarded a ten-thousand dollar prize. At the dinner party, Ramzi was introduced to Sharok Hatami, whom Prager calls “the forefather of Iranian photojournalism.”