Coco Chanel

Douglas Kirkland photographs iconic designer
Gaia Bonini, Fashion156, 22 Sep 2008

These photos are part of a never before seen forty-piece exhibition by photographer Douglas Kirkland, on display in New York’s Westwood Gallery. The exhibition represents a documentation of the woman that revolutionized 20th century fashion. 

Coco Chanel is one of those women that every girl hopes to be like. She is the worldwide standard of chic, as well as the cornerstone of class and women’s fashion. In 1962, Kirkland received an assignment from Look Magazine to photograph Coco in her usual busy lifestyle, surrounded by fitters, models, clients, and friends. Coco warmed to the young photographer and allowed him to shadow her for three weeks while recording her life and becoming a close friend. Now at 74 years old, Kirkland releases his collection and remembers his time spent with Coco Chanel, the legendary fashion icon.