Don Porcaro: Timeless Sculptures for our Time

Jonathan Stevenson, Two Coats of Paint, 5 Apr 2023

Don Porcaro: Time Will Tell, the artist's first exhibition with the gallery, is reviewed by Jonathan Stevenson in Two Coats of Paint. The exhibition will be on view through June 10, 2023.


"Time Will Tell, Don Porcaro’s boffo solo sculpture exhibition at Westwood Gallery, is at once aesthetically rigorous and culturally resonant, and neither quality ever compromises the other. The contrapuntal historical content and playful spirit of his work make for a uniquely multivalent atmosphere that combines the gravity of the land artists, the temporal sensitivity of Sarah Sze, the serene wit of Isamu Noguchi, and, not least, the socio-political elegance of Martin Puryear."

- Jonathan Stevenson, Two Coats of Paint, 2023