Ellen Kooi, Tree Farm, 2002
JonMarc Edwards, New York School, 1994
Felipa César, Berline Zoo part 2, 2001-03
Alex Grey, Chape of Sacred Mirrors, 1980
Gary Gissler, uh, 2000
Michael Somoroff, Line, 2003
Helmut Grill, Writings: Eyes, 2003
Komar and Melamid, Symbols of the Big Band, 2002
Michael Rees, Ajna Spine 2, 1997-98
Pedro Barbeito, Making Saul, 2002
Tina Spiro, Break Through, 2003
Tim White-Sobieski, Innerconnection, 2003
Artists, as working individuals, are isolated, yet connected to an energy and consciousness that is a part of humanity and finds its way through these selected individuals. Physics quantifies energy, light, nature and correlates the functions in the internal and external minds. Whereas, spirituality, which can also be equated to energy, is an internal wisdom related to mind, body and spirit, which hopes to spread the positive and healing realm throughout the universe.
How do artists fit into the Physics of Spirituality? Very much so, artists are in touch with this intangible energy and force that resonates throughout the world, emanating from the events of humankind and nature. Especially artists who tend to follow through with the visions, feelings and energy coming through their being, no matter how unbelievable, complicated or disassociated the work may seem to be. Theirs is a language so strong, that the artists themselves cannot stop the force of energy that encompasses their being. Through the use of materials and technology they have found a voice in this manifestation of thought. Sometimes it comes through effectively and sometimes it does not. When it does come through clearly, it allows the viewer to look beyond words and language used to describe our being and earthly limitations. The spiritual nature of the artist is not to be ignored, since the reasons we are here and the direction we are going as a human existence is questionable to many. The quest for answers is maybe why so many artists cannot stop the urge or desire to pick up a brush, pencil or even to manipulate an image on the computer, trying to achieve an effect that is subliminally important for one reason or another.
In the past 8 to 10 years, WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC has noticed a movement of artists, many who are not aware that any such direction is happening, because they are focused on their work. These particular artists are not interested in the appropriation of imagery, but are experimenting or trying to get closer to the internal truth that is presenting itself in various forms. What separates this movement of the Physics of Spirituality is the time and thought process that the artist has allowed to evolve through their mental and emotional state. There is a clear and concise analogy that can be made in direct relation to time, space, movement, energy, light, consciousness, language or some form of communication of thought.
Pedro Barbeito, Filipa César, JonMarc Edwards, Winfred Evers, Gary Gissler, Alex Grey, Helmut Grill, Mitsy Groenendijk, Doug Henders, Komar & Melamid, Ellen Kooi, Leonid Lamm, Jeffrey Maron, Priya Nirit Chen, Michael Rees, Joana Rosa, Peter Rose, Michael Somoroff, Tina Spiro, Mary Ann Strandell, Tibor Szemenyey Nagy, Tim White-Sobieski
April 24, 2003 at the New Museum in SoHo, a private book signing with Rabbi Yehuda Berg, for 'The 72 Names of God'. Over the years, Rabbi Yehuda Berg has developed a tremendous following; his previous book, 'The Power of the Kabbalah', became a major force in many people's lives.
May 29, 6pm at WESTWOOD GALLERY NYC Best-selling author and Kabbalist Rabbi Yehuda Berg, presented his latest book, "The 72 Names of God". Followed by a compelling panel discussion with Rabbi Berg, Matthew Baigell (Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University), and a selected physicist.