Will Insley at Paula Cooper Gallery, New York City

Group Exhibition: 50 Years: An Anniversary, A Benefit Exhibition for March For Our Lives

October 10 – November 3, 2018, Paula Cooper Gallery in New York City presented her 50 year landmark anniversary exhibition, 50 Years: An Anniversary, A Benefit Exhibition for March For Our Lives. The exhibition of the 13 artists who were included in the inaugural exhibition of Paula Cooper Gallery in October 1968, marked the first art gallery in SoHo at 96-100 Prince Street. 


The 1968 exhibition was organized by Robert Huot, Lucy Lippard and Ron Wolin to benefit the Student Mobilization Committee To End The War In Vietnam and Veterans Against The War In Vietnam. The synthesis of radical political and aesthetic shifts were emerging in the world which resonated in the 1968 exhibition.

The 2018 fiftieth anniversary exhibition included artworks of the period by the 13 artists, Carl Andre, Jo Baer, Robert Barry, Bill Bollinger, Dan Flavin, Robert Huot, Will Insley, Donald Judd, Sol LeWitt, Robert Mangold, Robert Murray, Doug Ohlson, and Robert Ryman.

The exhibition included Will Insley’s Wall Fragment 66.4 (1966-67) on loan from Westwood Gallery NYC.

10 Oct 2018